Bitcord DEX | Cryptocurrency BEP-20 Exchange / Swap

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Start to Earn Commissions of Each Transaction

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Bitcord DEX | Cryptocurrency BEP-20 Exchange / Swap is a full software that you need to start your own DEX. With this software, you can earn fees from all the ongoing transactions on your own DEX. You don’t need to provide any LP (Liquidity Pools) because this is a fork of the existing Pancake Swap. You can set the % fee for each transaction on our smart contract that is included in the project files. Usually, the fees are from 1-2% of the total amount.

Bitcord DEX | Cryptocurrency BEP-20 Exchange / Swap script is only supporting the BSC network!


What is a DEX?

A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a peer-to-peer marketplace where users can trade cryptocurrencies in a non-custodial manner without the need for an intermediary to facilitate the transfer and custody of funds.  



  • The smart contract included (auditable)
  • Easy to add new pairs
  • Set commission fee on the smart contract
  • Enable/Disable tokens
  • Metamask Integration
  • Trust Wallet Integration
  • Auto Balance Reading
  • 50/100% buttons for inputs
  • Metamask token import functionality
  • Web3 Integration
  • Connect/Disconnect wallet functionality
  • Fully responsive UI
  • Easy JSON Configuration file for the website
  • Rotate token functionality
  • And more

Smart Contract Functions

  • addWhitelistedTokens
  • approveTokens
  • customSwapTokens
  • emergencyWithdraw
  • emergencyWithdrawETH
  • removeWhitelistedTokens
  • setFeeAccount
  • setFeePercent
  • swapTokens
  • transferOwnership


Bitcord DEX | Cryptocurrency BEP-20 Exchange / Swap software interacts with the smart contract functions by using web3.


  • BNB Wallet
  • 0.05 BNB on the wallet
  • Code Editor
  • Node.js
0.6 BNB≈ $344.03

✅ Including Technical Support

✅ Trusted Seller

✅ Full-source code

✅ Reviewed by Pinky Finance Devs

✅ Instant File Download

✅ Fully Decentralized File Purchase


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Binance Smart ChainBinance Smart Chain
Release date06 Oct 2023
Software version1.0.0
Blockchain swap exchange bep20

Current Price = $0.075

Next Price = $0.085


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